Programs & Curriculum

Our Programs

Preschool Program

Our comprehensive and developmentally appropriate program is designed to promote each child’s intellectual, social, physical and emotional growth. All games and activities are skill-based and goal oriented, so that the children grow with everything that they do. The curriculum at our school is based on age-appropriate best practice. The classroom set up is comprised of learning centers which include blocks, art, dramatic play, books, manipulatives and scientific discovery. These centers allow the children to have choices and to actively explore. They learn by interacting with their peers, teachers and the varying things in their environment. Each center has a specific aim and with the teacher’s guidance, helps the children’s emotional, cognitive and physical growth. The daily schedule is planned to include active and quiet times, gross
and fine motor activities and child-initiated as well as staff-initiated activities. Outdoor (weather permitting) or indoor play is scheduled each day.
Planning for the classroom involves consideration to the age appropriateness for the group and individual abilities of each child. With the knowledge that every child learns differently, we use various mediums to teach each lesson. Children’s interests are explored through inquiry and research methods

Toddler Class

Ages 12-24 months

It is baby’s first precious preschool adventure! Young Kidz Academy is excited to welcome toddlers ages 12 months and up in a new, specially designed program for developing toddlers. Under the guidance of our expert caregivers, babies share engaging developmental experiences through music and movement and many sensory experiences. Parents and toddlers will love the individualized attention provided by an extraordinary staff who promotes social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development through nurturing supervision. Our youngest students come in as babies and grow into confident, creative, curious, and imaginative toddlers. Our five-day program is designed to support working parents and creates consistency and continuity in these young children’s routine. Limited spaces available to maintain a low teacher to student ratio for optimal care.


Teachers model effective communication, sharing, and encourage independence. A toddler’s day consists of self-selected play, circle time, singing songs, fingerplays, reading books, focused learning activities, art projects, sensory experiences, indoor gross motor room time, and outdoor playground time. Our dance instructor starts teaching.


Our Preschool program enhances preschoolers’ confidence by providing activities to helpcchildren become problem solvers and lifelong learners. Through independent exploration, structured activities, and handson learning, children work on early literacy, math, science, and social studies concepts. A healthy dose of running, jumping, and dancing keeps them active too

Every day in our Early Foundations Preschool program, children participate
• whole-group instruction twice a day
• small-group activities that provide skill-based learning opportunities
• daily literacy-building activities
• child-directed play in learning centers
• reflection of daily experiences

• Communicating With Others – We guide children to develop communication skills.
• Building Brain Power – We teach children to gain higher-level thinking skills.
• Making New Friends – We coach children to nurture strong relationships.
• Nurturing Creativity – We inspire children to explore creative ideas and talents.
• Growing a Healthy Body – We help children to refine motor skills.

Pre-Kindergarten (VPK)

Our Pre-kindergarten program is designed to boost school readiness by teaching letters and words, math concepts, and valuable social skills. With our small-group instruction, independent play in an organized atmosphere, and wholegroup activities, children will have all the right skills to hop, skip, and jump into kindergarten.

Every day in our pre-kindergarten program children participate in:
• whole-group instruction twice a day
• small-group activities that provide skill-based learning in math and literacy
• child-directed play in learning centers
• skill-building activities for additional practice in core skill areas

• Communicating With Others – We teach children to improve important language skills.
• Building Brain Power – We prepare child to reason and analyze.
• Making New Friends – We provide opportunities for children to practice social and emotional skills.
• Nurturing Creativity – We encourage children to think and create.
• Growing a Healthy Body – We coach children to strengthen physical abilities.

Elementary School

Private Kindergarten

Age Range: 5 – 6 years
Young Kidz Academy has developed a unique curriculum based on Houghton Mifflin HARCOURT approved Sunshine State curriculum that will promote the skills and talents of each individual in the facility. The curriculum will provide children with great knowledge and skills that will go beyond the English language and promote multi-lingual abilities that through research-based studies have shown to develop higher IQ levels in youngsters. Classrooms are organized by the use of Sunshine State Standards which facilitate the learning process across key curricular areas such as:
Young Kidz Academy curriculum provides children with opportunities to construct knowledge and meaning through active, hands-on exploration in a variety of settings, which include small group, individual and partner activities.

Laying the Foundation for Future
Academic Success

Research has shown that an effective kindergarten education can positively influence your child well into adulthood. Programs with engaged instructors and small classrooms are linked to higher test scores and a greater likelihood of attending college.
Furthermore, a comprehensive kindergarten program may also benefit other aspects in your child’s adult life; research shows that those who receive quality kindergarten education have a better chance at earning a higher salary, getting married, and owning a home. Our kindergarten school fosters your little learner’s cognitive, social-emotional, and physical skills to properly prepare them for their educational path.
• Cognitive: The ability to think logically is key to academic success. Our kindergarten program nurtures your child’s cognitive growth through exercises like asking questions, speaking intentionally, and counting by fingers. Responsive interaction, stimulating environments, and engaging activities are paramount to building a strong intellectual foundation.
• Socio-Emotional: Studies have revealed that a strong indicator for success in school, work, and social life is a person’s ability to regulate their emotions and behavior.[3]
Our knowledgeable instructors establish receptive relationships, model appropriate behaviors, and emphasize empathy- and cooperation-focused exercises.
• Physical: Children at this age are growing quickly and need a lot of room to explore physical abilities like skipping,  climbing, and dancing. We provide a safe and fun environment for your “big kid” to thrive.

1st Grade - 5th Grade

1st Grade – 5th Grade
We are looking forward to serving our children and families for grades 1-5
starting in the school year 2021/2022. Limited spaces available. Scholarships are available for students through Step Up For Students. Please apply and ask for your child to be registered at our school and to be put on our waiting list for the child’s grade.